Some Honors Projects may not be available for full-download by direction of the author.
Submissions from 2009
Songs for a New World By Jason Robert Brown, James Funkhouser
The Development and Use of the Life Domains Questionnaire, Erica Garrison
The American Occupation of Haiti, 1915-1934, Adam C. Good
Effects of Cannabinoids on Mouse Macrophage Gene Expression, Lindsey R. Grove
The Value of the Arts in Elementary Education, Kara D. Heatwole
What Personality Type Prevails?: The Emergence of Leadership in a "Dilemma of the Commons" Social Scenario, Whitney Charnae Hobson
Encouragement's Effects on Intrinsic Motivation for Grip Strength in a Competitive Environment, Nicole Krysiak
American Nationalism: A Story of Violence, Catherine Marafino
Poets of the Great War: A Study of the Work of Rupert Brooke, Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, Isaac Rosenberg and Robert Graves, Alisha M. Mitchell
The Relationship Between Pitching Mechanics, Shoulder Injury and Pain in Collegiate Baseball Pitchers, Jesse Mohoric
Effects on 40 yard Run Times in Ankle Injured People Following Joint Mobilizations, Eric J. Newton
The Baker's Wife: Musical Direction From Inception to Realization, Jennifer M. Payne
El concepto heidegariano de Dasein en cuanto al pensamiento y la practica religiosa, Dietrich Rhodes
Culture of Axolotl Stem Cells Isolated from Regenerating Limb Blastema, Kristen Rooker
Hooking Up and the College Social Scene: How Men Navigate Friendship, Identity, and the "Real College Experience", March A. Ryan
Restoration, Brian Sampson
La Guerra Sucia revisitada: una iluminaci6n de la tragedia argentina, Kara Showalter
Who We Are: Narrative Portraits, Sara Ann Speed
Smoke and Ashes: Tribulations of Total War in the 1862 and 1864 Shenandoah Valley Campaigns, Stefanie M. Strosnider
Making It Up As You Go Along: Noted Improvisational Approaches to Phil Woods' Sonata for Alto Saxophone and Piano, Movement One, Timothy Allen Stuart
La confluencia moderna del rap y la globalizacion, Christopher R. Thomas
Beyond Aesthetics: Psychology within Interior Design, Andrea Diane Tobias
Forming Identity in a Digital Community: Understanding the Function of Facebook Albums, Jill A. Wattai
The Prevalence of Microorganisms on Athletic Training Modalities, Micaela Weaver
Subversive Acting: Arms and the Man and Nineteenth Century Melodrama, Rachelle White
Men and Masculinities at Bridgewater College: Hegemony and Structured Action Theory, Jonathan David Wiley
Molecular Testing to Detennine Sex of Northern Saw-Whet Owls, Sarah Willard-Eroh
Movie Pop and Candy Lips: A Look at Childhood and Culture, Christi A. Wonderley
How to Say 'I'm Sorry': The Effects of Type of Appeasement Offering and Gender on Forgiveness and Trust, Madalyn Woodward
The Subjective Nature of Grading: The Effects of Expectations on Performance Evaluation, Julia B. Zirpoli
Death March: The Transition from Napoleonic Warfare to Modern Warfare, 1890-1918, Adam Zucconi
Submissions from 2008
Barbie's Effect on the Development of Negative Body Image among Young Girls, Krista Armentrout
Interracial Dating: Examining Nontraditional Romantic Relationships on the College Campus, Erin Brummett
Status, Competition, and Politeness: How the Telling of Game Stories is influenced by the Outcome of the Game and the Status of the Storyteller, Dawn Marie Burtner
Detection of Aspergillus species in Equus caballus, Christopher J. Caniglia
Past and Present: Public Relations and Marketing Practices of American Colleges and Universities; An Examination of Bridgewater College's Methods, Laura M. Daniel
Governmental Responses to Terrorism: A Game Theoretical Analysis, Brent Darsch
The Effects of Therapeutic Horseback Riding on Autistic Spectrum Disorders: A Case Study of Four Children, Sarah Davis
Exploration of Glaze Mixing, Angela Flage
The Relationships between Globalization, Marketing and Business: An Examination of Standardization and Customization, Cameron Flynn
Cocaine's Impact on Reward, Activity and Affect: Adolescents vs. Adults, Adrianna L. Franchetti
Finding the Voice of Aotearoa: New Zealand lntercultural Relations in Fiction, Jennifer Greenholt
Abundance and Distribution of North Woodland tree species with relation to Canopy Gaps at UNDERC, Dano Kavon Heatwole
The Preference of Visual Contrasts as Presented in PowerPoint Presentations, Kelsey E. Jackson
The Determination and Statistical Comparison of the diets of Barn Owls in Northwestern United States and the Shenandoah Valley, Amanda Kistler
Analysis of the Diet of the Shenandoah Valley Barn Owl, Samantha Kistler
Efficiency and Effectiveness in Private and Public Charity: Four Case Studies, Bonnie Kristian
Preschool Literacy Programs: What is Available and How Students are Affected, Vanessa A. Lloyd
NMR Analysis of Alcohol/Water and Alcohol/Alcohol Mixtures, Ian McNeil
Factors Leading to Small Business Success, Whitney L. Minnick
The Ascent of the Sexual Metaphor and the Theory of Contraries in Blake's Early Prophecies, Josh O'Donnell
Graywater Recycling Using a Biological Treatment System, Anna M. Pavlovskaya
The Impact of Cocaine on Affect, Activity, and Reward: A Comparison between Adolescents and Adults, Candace E. Perry
The Jaded Judge: How the Status and Sincerity of Repeat Offenders' Apologies Impact Forgiveness, Jessica N. Powers
Cocaine's Impact on Reward, Activity and Affect is Dose Dependently Impacted By Age: Adults vs. Adolescents, Hillary Rohrer
The Brethren Revival Fellowship: A Brethren Para-Church Movement, Daniel Rudy
Color Psychology: Shades of Meaning, Morgan N. Showalter
Change or Continuity: How Society Viewed People with Disabilities, 1800 to the Present, Marissa Slaughter
Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Frequency of Brand Exposure, Hilary Teeter
An Oral History of WGMB: Its Key Events, Culture, and Role in the Bridgewater College Community as Told through the Voices of the Radio Station's Alumni, Jennifer Upshaw
Proteomic Changes in Staphylococcus aureus Cell Wall after Immunologic Challenge, Sara M. Wagner
The Alternative Minimum Tax: An In-Depth Analysis of Its Effect on the Middle Class Demographic, Megan Wheeler
France's "National Reconstruction:" Jews in France During the Holocaust, Robert Eric Wimer
Impacts of invasive Orconectes rusticus in lotic systems, Stephen Woodard
Submissions from 2007
Efficacy of Fenbendizole in Reducing Strongyle Fecal Egg Counts in an Equine Herd in Augusta County, VA, Kathryn E. Austin
Green Design: An Earth Friendly Approach to the Interior Design Career, Danielle Barnes
Future of the Museum in the Modern World, Bonnie Byrd
To A Land They Had Never Known: American Women Serving on the Pacific Islands During WWII, Lauren Crawford
Particle Counters and their Characteristics, Dana Cristea
Collaborative Success: Graphic Design and Nonprofit Business, David Dorsey
Unconditioned: An Experience as Playwright and Director, Rachel Marie Eller
Use of the Polymerase Chain Reaction to Clone Sections of the Polyhydroxybutyrate Depolymerase Gene of Streptomyces sp. 5A, Tessa A. Griffin
Journey to Modernism: Stravinsky and The Rite of Spring, Lacey Harold
Selected Choral Works of Daniel E. Gawthrop, Brandon Heishman
Privatization of Social Security, Brad Hewitt
Alice, Brittany Moyers
Seeing the World from Different Perspectives: A Study and Presentation of Art, Sarah Mundey
The Capriciousness of Values: Are We Honestly Honest and Loyally Loyal?, Melissa Pierpoint
Women at Work in the Great Depression and New Deal, Tabitha Marie Pryor
The Irresistible Truth: The Result of the Proper Understanding of the Doctrines of Total Depravity and the Sovereignty of God, Paul Vance Lee Smith
Clutch size and pollen-ovule ratios in the Apocynaceae, Julia Stutzman
Submissions from 2006
Rings and Fields, Andrea Bodkin
Reliability Testing for Lange Body Composition Calipers, Carla Boelte
The Skinny on Working Out: A Grounded Theory Exploration of College Students' Exercise Practices, Brooke Bredel
Selected Choral Works of Eric Whitacre, Joel Bremner
American Diet and Exercise Habits in a World of Instant Gratification, Jessica A. Bulles
Angeles Mastretta: Sus Obras y Sus Temas, Rebecca Carbaugh
Defying the Norm during the Progressive Era: The 'Most Dangerous' Women in America, Amelia Crouse
Carbonyl Insertion Reactions with Metal Carbonyls and Alkenes, Angela Dolph
International Service Learning, Kristin Noel Feldenzer
Becoming Citizens and Demanding Citizenship: Native American Political Activism and the National Park Service, Brenna Goggin
After "It's Over": Post-Dissolutional Phenomena in Breakup Narratives, Callie Marie Hamish
Runningwordstogether: Playing with Language isn't Just for Children's Literature, Karen Hammerschmidt
Shroud of Turin Banding Patterns, Adam Hollenberg
Struggle for Power in Ecuador: Indigenous and Transnational Activism, Alex Kettering
Truth in Advertising?, Catherine Marsha Kinder
The Importance of Stream Bank Erosion in Relation to Sediment, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Loading to the Chesapeake Bay, James M. Kreider
The Stigma of Mental Illness, Melissa D. Lyons