
Nicole Krysiak

Document Type

Honors Project

First Advisor

Dr. Alan Eby

Degree Award Date

Spring 2009


Encouragement, Intrinsic Motivation Inventory, Grip Strength, Competitive Environment, Occupational therapy, verbal encouragement, Big Five Personality Test


Experimental Analysis of Behavior | Occupational Therapy | Rehabilitation and Therapy


Occupational therapy promotes the well being of injured individuals. A way of ensuring the best form of therapy is through the use of intrinsic motivation by way of verbal encouragement and personality. This study looked at the effects of feedback on intrinsic motivation.and how these results correlate to personality using the Big Five. Participants were divided into one of three groups; control, qualitative feedback, or quantitative feedback. After performing a test of grip strength, all participants completed the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory and the Big Five Personality Test. No significance for feedback was found for any intrinsic motivation variable but tension. Extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, and conscientiousness were correlated to the intrinsic motivation variables of competence, tension, and interest. The results suggest that a combination of feedback and perceived importance help promote intrinsic motivation and that personality relates to subcomponents of intrinsic motivation.
