

Writing is a complex process that requires the orchestration of cognitive, social, and emotional processes. This analysis explores ways to help our students navigate the complexities of becoming a writer by expanding the use of mentor texts to include an examination of characters who write, modeling the real challenges and rewards associated with becoming a writer. The themes identified within the selected mentor texts focus on finding encouragement and inspiration to write from others, making sense of the world through personal writing, and discovering one's voice and identity as a writer. By extending our use of mentor texts, we help our students learn to overcome their fears of writing, learn to take risks, and find their voice and identity as writers.

Author Biography

Tracy Hough has worked in education for over 32 years as a college professor, a classroom teacher, and a reading specialist in grades K through 8. She earned her Ed. D. in Curriculum and Instruction: Reading Education from the University of Virginia. She currently teaches at Bridgewater College where her research interests focus on global literacy and supporting teachers in under-resourced schools in Latin America and Africa as a means to improve their reading instruction.
