
Erin Luther

Document Type

Honors Project

First Advisor

Dr. Donald Witters

Degree Award Date

Spring 1997


EEG biofeedback, college students, learning disabilites, standardized intelligence scale, beta/theta ratios, WAIS-R


Psychiatry and Psychology | Psychological Phenomena and Processes


This pilot study purported to examine the effects of EEG biofeedback training on performance in college students with learning disabilities. The supposition was that participants will show a "normalization" of EEG patterns (an increase in 14-40 hz brainwave activity and a decrease in 5-8 hz activity, as shown by an increase in the ratio between these frequencies) following a seven week biofeedback training program. Contingent on such change, it was hypothesized that participants would demonstrate subsequent improvement on a standardized intelligence scale. Methodology in this study was modeled after clinical case studies. The participants were 3 Bridgewater College students previously diagnosed with learning disabilities who voluntarily responded to a letter descriptive of the study sent through intra-campus mail. Participants attended several baseline relaxation and/or biofeedback training sessions per week for seven weeks using the Coulbourn Lablinc V biofeedback instrument, and completed the W AIS-R preand post- treatment. All sessions were recorded at timed intervals and mean beta/theta ratios were calculated for each session. Participants that participated in over 4 biofeedback sessions showed increased beta/theta ratios and improved scores on the WAIS-R.
