
Melanie Long

Document Type

Honors Project

First Advisor

June Craun

Degree Award Date

Fall 2000


Creatine Supplements, Androstenedione Supplements


Alternative and Complementary Medicine | Chemicals and Drugs | Medicine and Health Sciences


Optimal physical performance in athletics is a common goal that every athlete shares. However, some athletes may use supplements to help further their athletic potential. Creatine and androstenedione are two supplements that are typically used by athletes to try to gain strength and to increase muscle size. This study's purpose is to explore the mechanisms, possible benefits, and side effects of creatine and androstenedione as dietary supplements.

Creatine has been proven to be an effective supplement for short periods of intense exercise. The effects of creatine's long term supplementation have not been thoroughly established and therefore athletes must be aware of the potential dangers that surround this supplement. Androstenedione is a more controversial supplement. This supplement has been proven to enhance muscle size and facilitates faster recovery from high intensity exercise. Androstenedione is a synthetic derivative of testosterone and may present similar side effects to those of steroids.

A non-scientific study was done at Bridgewater College surveying the athletes concerning the use of creatine and androstenedione supplements. Overall, all athletes' male and female reported that they are currently not using either supplement during their respective seasons. Survey results will be discussed further
