Document Type

Honors Project

First Advisor

Dr. David Huffman

Degree Award Date

Spring 2002


Cultural Shock, U.S. Workers, Mexico


Business | Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Business and Corporate Communications | International Business


The first section of this analysis will consider the Mexican working environment and focus upon the main differences between the United States and Mexico. Once the corporations have grasped the manner in which business is conducted within the prospective country, it is important for the company to pass this information along to the international employees, whether it is through informational pamphlets and readings or through cultural awareness classes.

The second part of this project will include a case study describing my international experience as a college intern in Mexico. The case study will include the differences and cultural shocks experienced and will conclude with my ideas for easing the international experience for future interns coming to Mexico.

The final section will offer several recommendations for companies planning to expand globally. The international workers are important to expanding companies, so they must acknowledge the needs and concerns of these workers and prepare them culturally in order for the business to become successful within Mexico.
