

Developing sentence variety and elaboration are important skills for all students, so we wanted to create grammar lessons to help children with autism with these critical skills. After assessing a group of lesson plans found in Amy Benjamin and Joan Berger’s (2014) book, Teaching Grammar: What Really Works, we adapted lesson plans to cater to the needs of students with autism. We used strategies such as modeling, think-alouds, Applied Behavior Analysis, and the Discrete Trial Teaching Method. We created our lesson plan revisions in order to provide teachers with the best resources to create an inclusive environment within their classrooms.

Author Biography

Ashley Schweizer and Bailey Nixon are both currently completing their undergraduate degrees at Longwood University with an expected graduation date of 2022. Ashley is studying Liberal Studies with a concentration in Special Educations while Bailey is working towards a Liberal Studies degree with a concentration in Elementary Education. They have both wanted to become teachers for as long as they can remember and cannot wait for the day, they get to help students succeed in the classroom.
