Document Type

Honors Project

First Advisor

Dr. Donald Witters

Degree Award Date

Fall 1992


family background, alcohol abuse, educational level, self-esteem, young adults


Family, Life Course, and Society | Medicine and Health | Social Control, Law, Crime, and Deviance | Sociology


This study examines self-esteem and locus of control in adult children of alcoholics versus adult children of non-alcoholics and compares those young adults attending college with those currently in the workforce. The current living situations were also reported for the 104 young adults ranging in age from 18 to 25. It was found that adult children of alcoholics did not show any significant differences from adult children of non-alcoholics on the measures of self-esteem or locus of control. A significant difference was found between the college and non-college group on the variable of self-esteem, with the non-college group showing higher levels of self-esteem. There was also a significant difference for living situation a n d the variable of locus of control, with those living on their own showing a more internal locus of control.
