Document Type

Honors Project

First Advisor

Kyle Kelleran

Degree Award Date

Spring 2021


Diabetes, Physical Therapy, Health and Exercise Science, PT, neuropathy, amyotrophy, ulcers, nephropathy, type I, type II


Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Health Services Research | Other Medical Sciences | Physical Therapy | Public Health Education and Promotion


A literature review on diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic amyotrophy, sores, ulcers, and amputations, and nephropathy and how, through this snowballing journey, physical therapy can aid an individual. Diabetes can impact the mortality and morbidity of an individual and it alone can have lifelong effects upon the individual. These effects may include dependency upon medication, lifestyle modifications, and diet and physical activity guidelines. If their condition were to worsen, they could find themselves battling circulatory issues and neuropathy thereby hindering their physical function. Many individuals with circulatory issues, diabetic neuropathy, and diabetic amyotrophy develop injuries on their feet like ulcers and sores. These make it painful to walk and physically limit the patient. To the extreme, if these ulcers and sores fail to be detected and treated, or are difficult to heal, they may continue to impede the individual’s physical wellbeing. The extreme, but all too common result of these wounds is an amputation. Through each stage of this journey, physical therapists can work with the individual to treat musculoskeletal, circulatory, and nervous system issues and teach them alternative ways to complete activities if they become physically limited by complications due to diabetes.

Recommended Citation

Fotis, Kaitlin. "How the Symptoms and Conditions Associated with Diabetes Can Impact Mobility and Health of the Individual: A Literature Review." Senior Honors Project, Bridgewater College, 2021.

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