Document Type

Honors Project

First Advisor

Susan Lowley

Degree Award Date

Spring 1999


VO2, Blood Pressure, Body Composition, Sedentary Individuals, Six-Week ACSM Exercise Protocol


Sports Medicine | Sports Sciences


Changes in estimated VO2, blood pressure, and body composition in previously sedentary individuals following a six-week ACSM exercise protocol. VO2, blood pressure, and body composition were measured in 12 individuals who were previously sedentary as a baseline fitness evaluation. A six-week exercise protocol was individually set up for the participants based on ACSM guidelines. The subjects were tested again following the six week time period, and a comparison of ''before" and "after" data was made using analysis of variance. Changes in systolic blood pressure were found to be significant at p=0.03, and diastolic pressure changes were also significant at p=0.04. Body composition, as measured by percent body fat, was also found to be significant at p=0.02. At the p
