Document Type

Honors Project

First Advisor

Dr. Michael Hill

Degree Award Date

Spring 1998


abdominal adipose tissue, megacardia, cadavers, Medical College of Virginia


Anatomy | Cardiovascular System | Medicine and Health Sciences


The project will consist of a comparative analysis between the harder abdominal adipose tissue and the subcutaneous adipose tissue and their relative relationship to heart size. It is hypothesized that there will be a correlation between the amount of abdominal adipose tissue present and a condition of the heart called megacardia. Megacardia is a condition in which the heart is enlarged. Data will be collected from fifteen to twenty cadavers located at the Medical College of Virginia. The height and weight of each cadaver will be calculated along with the girth of the heart and the thickness of the various adipose tissues. After the data has been collected, the data will be assessed carefully for any relationship between the amount of abdominal adipose tissue and the size of the heart.
