
David Wyant

Document Type

Honors Project

First Advisor

Dr. Robert Andersen

Degree Award Date

Spring 2002


Ethics, War on Terrorism, just war theory, veil of ignorance


History | Military History | United States History


As shown from the title, this undertaking examines two main areas: the study of ethics and the study of the United States' War on Terrorism. This research presents information on the ethical concepts discussed in analyzing war. Particular emphasis is placed on the criteria of the just war theory, its application, its shortcomings, and its role in war today. The United States' military response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks is analyzed and tested against the just war theory. Views on the current United States war on terrorism are presented, and future foreseen conflicts between the war on terrorism and the just war theory are outlined. Problems of the just war theory are addressed and the incorporation of the veil of ignorance into the just war theory is briefly explored.
