Document Type

Honors Project

First Advisor

Dr. Donald Witters

Degree Award Date

Spring 2002


Social Skills Coaching Procedure, Reducing, Aggressive Behavior


Applied Behavior Analysis | Child Psychology | Psychology


This study analyzed the social skills coaching procedure as a method of training aggressive boys in social skills in order to reduce aggressive behavior. Three children were selected from an after school program to participate in this study. The criterion for the subjects included: regular attendance to the program, high rates of aggression observed by the examiner in the initial observation, identification by the after school teacher as being aggressive, and parental permission to participate in the study. This study compared rates of aggressive behavior before training and after training for these subjects and found a decrease in the rate of aggressive incidents for the two children who received the coaching model; however the control child also displayed reduced rates of aggressive incidents comparable to the trained children, therefore the results are inconclusive.
