Document Type

Honors Project

First Advisor

Dr. Randy Young

Second Advisor

Dr. Melanie Laliker

Degree Award Date

Spring 2003


Leadership Tendencies, Leadership Personality, Group Behavior, sports leadership, journalism leadership, religious leadership, residential leadership


Applied Behavior Analysis | Community Psychology | Psychology


Robert K. Greenleaf said, "The only test of leadership is that someone follows." This quote is telling for those who naturally lead and those who naturally follow, but what happens when only leaders are involved? As society pushes individuals to embrace leadership and take charge more and more, it is clear that leaders are placed together quite frequently. How do they interact with one another? Does the competition fo r attention change their behavior? Does personality play a role? Do they remain polite and cordial? How do their fellow leaders interpret their actions?

As the following study seeks to uncover some of the questions posed, we will examine the effectiveness of leaders among other high status leaders and how they assess one another. Thus, the variables identified in the following study are politeness, spotlight effect and personality and will be used to uncover what characteristics motivate and compel people to follow the lead.
