
Maggie Moore

Document Type

Honors Project

First Advisor

Dr. Timothy Brazill

Degree Award Date

Fall 2004


Prison, Probation, Violent Juvenile offenders, Adult Criminal Court system, Adult Prison System, rehabilitative model


Criminology | Social Control, Law, Crime, and Deviance | Sociology


There has been much debate about the role of the juvenile court system and its treatment of violent juvenile offenders. The current trend has been to get-tough by waiving these juveniles to the adult criminal court system in which they are expected to receive a more severe punishment. It is important however, to consider multiple factors in this debate. In order to better understand this conflict, I analyze the positive and negative aspects of sending juveniles into the adult court and prison system. Based on the empirical evidence, I emphasize the need to re-empower the juvenile court system with a rehabilitative model specifically for violent juveniles.
