Document Type
Honors Project
First Advisor
Scott W. Cole
Second Advisor
Jim Josefson
Third Advisor
Chad Trevitte
Degree Award Date
Spring 5-1-2022
Neil LaBute, The Shape of Things, Theatre, Performance Art, KCACTF, Performance Art, Live-Stream, Director, Actor, Acting.
Acting | Broadcast and Video Studies | Film Production | Other Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Other Theatre and Performance Studies | Performance Studies | Visual Studies | Women's Studies
In Neil LaBute's work, The Shape of Things, graduate art student Evelyn Thompson meets security guard and future muse, Adam Sorenson, in an art museum during his late-night shift. Their meeting poses the question of just how far humans are willing to go for love. In less than two hours, LaBute’s insight regarding manipulation between intimate partners calls the integrity of our own interpersonal relationships into question. This project encapsulates the materials of Bridgewater College student Kylee Lorio while directing this production during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Recommended Citation
Lorio, Kylee. "The Shape of Things: A Theatrical Examination of the Progression of Emotional Manipulation" Senior Honors Projects, Bridgewater College, 2020.
Recommended Citation
Lorio, Kylee. "The Shape of Things: A Theatrical Examination of the Progression of Emotional Manipulation" Senior Honors Projects, Bridgewater College, 2020.
Force Open Access
List of identified facts within the script.
Rehearsal Report-- September 20th.pdf (61 kB)
Rehearsal- 9.20.20
Rehearsal Report-- September 23.pdf (71 kB)
Rehearsal-- 9.23.20
Rehearsal Report-- September 24.pdf (79 kB)
Rehearsal-- 9.24.20
Rehearsal Report-- September 27th.docx (13 kB)
Rehearsal-- 9.27.20
Rehearsal Report-- September 30th.docx (7 kB)
Rehearsal-- 9.30.20
Rehearsal Report October 8.pdf (80 kB)
Rehearsal-- 10.8.20
Rehearsal Report October 11, 2020 .pdf (83 kB)
Rehearsal--- 10.11.20
Rehearsal Report Oct 14.pdf (82 kB)
Rehearsal-- 10.14.20
Rehearsal Report Oct 25, 2020 .pdf (75 kB)
Rehearsal-- 10.25.20
Rehearsal Report Oct 29, 2020 .pdf (77 kB)
Rehearsal-- 10.29.20
Rehearsal Report Nov 1, 2020 .pdf (79 kB)
Rehearsal-- 11.1.20
Rehearsal Report Nov 5, 2020 .pdf (79 kB)
Rehearsal-- 11.5.20
Rehearsal Report Nov 8, 2020 .pdf (78 kB)
Rehearsal-- 11.8.20
Rehearsal Report Nov 12, 2020.pdf (75 kB)
Rehearsal-- 11.12.20
Cast Forms.docx (12 kB)
Form required to be filled out by all that auditioned.
Audition Notice.docx (12 kB)
The notice for the audition posted around Bridgewater College.
KCACTF Response.docx (13 kB)
List of the critiques made by the Kennedy Center during their viewing on 11.13.20
Description.docx (12 kB)
Description submitted to the Registrar at Bridgewater College
Honors Upgrade Form .docx (13 kB)
Honors Upgrade submitted to the Registrar at Bridgewater College
Outline.docx (18 kB)
Outlined submitted to the Registrar at Bridgewater College
Title Page.docx (12 kB)
Title page submitted to the Registrar at Bridgewater College
Bibliography.docx (12 kB)
Bibliography written by Kylee Lorio
Performance Report #2 .pdf (75 kB)
Report from the performance on 11.14.20
Performance Report #1.pdf (75 kB)
Report from the performance on 11.13.20 (226340 kB)
Wall & Poster Idea.jpeg (907 kB)
Scott Meeting 9.22.jpeg (1381 kB)
Overview.jpeg (1184 kB)
Howie Meeting 10.8.jpeg (1009 kB)
Evelyn's Monologue.jpeg (1521 kB)
Acts & Scenes.jpeg (1248 kB)
Included in
Acting Commons, Broadcast and Video Studies Commons, Film Production Commons, Other Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Commons, Other Theatre and Performance Studies Commons, Performance Studies Commons, Visual Studies Commons, Women's Studies Commons