Document Type

Honors Project

First Advisor

Charles W. Hale IV

Second Advisor

Kyle J. Kelleran

Third Advisor

Moshe Khurgel

Degree Award Date

Fall 2019


Selective Functional Movement Assessment, SFMA, Gray Cook, value


Exercise Science


The Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) is an evaluation tool used by healthcare providers in the physically active patient population that is designed to aid clinicians in diagnosing and treating movement-based pathologies. The purpose of this literature review is not only to evaluate the value and effectiveness of the SFMA, but also to raise awareness in the rehabilitative community. This literature review is specifically geared towards athletic trainers but can also be useful for other healthcare providers. This review revealed a total of 16 articles based on the eligibility criteria in three key databases. Three primary themes found in the literature are foundational expansion, clinical usage, and quality analysis. This research is limited in the chosen eligibility criteria, the type and number of databases utilized, and the low-grade evidence discovered. In conclusion, this literature review found some degree of low-grade evidence that supports the usage of and gives value to the effectiveness of the SFMA as a musculoskeletal evaluation and treatment tool.

Recommended Citation

Hux, Melanie. “The Value and Effectiveness of the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA): A Literature Review.” Senior Honors Projects, Bridgewater College, 2019.

Force Open Access


Application Forms.pdf (588 kB)
Application Form

Honors Project Poster Presentation.pptx (97163 kB)
Poster Presentation
