Mathematics Manipulatives and Instructional Aids: A Resource Guide

Document Type

Honors Project

Publication Date

Spring 3-2024


This resource guide examines the use of manipulatives and other instructional aids in supporting student learning. It provides both concrete and virtual manipulatives for teachers and parents as well as ideas for activities that they can be used for. These resources can assist teachers who may be looking to incorporate the use of manipulatives into their curriculums or parents who want to start using them at home. The guide is divided into multiple categories: research, resources, and activities. The guide includes research on the benefits of instructional aids as well as a section providing opposing viewpoints and opinions on this topic. There is also information about beginning to incorporate these manipulatives in the classroom. Links are provided if parents or teachers would like to read more about these topics. The resources section offers links to and descriptions of both concrete and virtual aid options. The activities section highlights activities and games for each manipulative and how they can be beneficial to students. It is my hope that both parents and teachers will benefit from this project by learning about the different variations and uses of manipulatives in the classroom and at home.

This document is currently not available here.
