
Environmental Chemistry: An Analytical Approach

Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 3-2017


I have been teaching an environmental chemistry course for more than a decade. In the early years I struggled to find an appropriate book that provided a primer on measurement statistics and methods of quantitation. In addition, the major textbooks on the market contained much more material than I could hope to cover in a single semester. I also wanted to provide my students with a context for the dynamic environment of the Earth, and I found the evolution of the universe and our solar system provided a very interesting framework for understanding the changes occurring in the Anthropocene. I wanted my course to provide my students with analytical lab skills and an interesting context within which they could make use of the chemistry knowledge they developed in their introductory chemistry courses, so I wrote a textbook to do just that. It is concise, analytical, instrumental, and provides a foundational coverage of the major environmental issues that every environmental scientist should know.

Environmental Chemistry: An Analytical Approach provides the essentials for a quantitative environmental chemistry course. After a review of some important topics in general chemistry, students learn about measurement statistics and methods of quantitation so that they are ready for work in the laboratory. The remaining three chapters describe environmentally important chemical processes in the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere. This concise introduction to environmental chemistry is a perfect textbook for a 1-semester college course at the undergraduate level.